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jambi fixer

Indonesia Archipelago

Jambi Province Film Services

Indonesia Fixer Production Film Services

National Park Mount Twelve - Tribe Child (aboriginal Jambi), often called The Jungle is one of the indigenous Jambi the nomadic region of lush forest. Jungle live in groups and spread in several counties; Batanghari, Tebo, Bunge, and Merangin Sarolangun. They lived in wooden huts with thatched roofs shaped stage or the like with a bunch of system construction materials rotan.Sangat interesting to study the customs, norms and rules of this tribe in which they have a tiered system where the leadership role of Chief of the district, as the supreme leader, is very important We can also look closely at how they live in harmony with nature.

Berbak National Park is a national park area on the eastern coastline of Central Sumatra included in Ramsar Convention for international wetland conservation. In 1992, the minister of Forestry, Republic of Indonesia following the original 1935 by Dutch colonial, officially states this area as National Park. Berbak National Park is a national park area on the eastern coastline of Central Sumatra included in Ramsar Convention for international wetland conservation.

Kubu tribe - or also known as the Tribe Child or The Wilderness is one of the ethnic minorities living on the island of Sumatra, precisely in Jambi and South Sumatra. They are the majority living in Jambi province, with an estimated total population of about 200,000 people. They live by making use of forest products, hunting and fishing. But along with the knowledge as a result of acculturation with the outside community, some of whom had known the knowledge of gardening and agriculture.

Bukit Tiga Puluh National Park - establish a Sumatran orangutan reintroduction centre, rehabilitation centre at the foot of Gunung Leuser National Park is restructured into a centre for assessment and observation of Sumatran orangutan.

Other places, Muara Jambi temples, Mount Kerinci, Lake Kerinci, Bukit Dua Belas National Park, Kayu Aro Tea Plantation, Telun Seblat National Park, Lake Kaco, Semurup Hot Springs, Bukit Kayangan