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lampung fixer

Indonesia Archipelago

Lampung Province Film Services

Indonesia Fixer Production Film Services

Way Kambas National Park - closely associated with elephants, since aside from being a sanctuary for these gentle giants, the national park is also known as their training ground.Located at the southern tip of Sumatra, 110 km from Bandarlampung, the Way Kambas National Park (WKNP) is one of the oldest reserves in Indonesia.

Bandar Lampung - capital of Lampung Province, there is a Lampung Museum on Jalan Teuku Umar. many the ancient objects, the remain of ceramic from China and Siam, or household utensils which is from centuries ago. Opened on monday until saturday. Taman budaya or art center is place for presenting the classical music and traditional dances of Lampung. Ancient Chinese travel chronicles refer to a place in the most southerly part of Sumatra called “Lampung” or “place of southerly winds”. The province is generally flat with the highest mountains of Gunung Pesagi, Tanggamas, Seminiung, Sekincau and Raya all being dormant volcanoes

Elephant Training Center, located 9 km from the park’s Plang Ijo entrance, is an establishment aimed to protect the existence of the elephant and at the same time create mutual benefit for both the elephants and men. The training center is also a reminiscent of the time when kings or sultans ruled Sumatra, when elephants were trained and deployed in warfare and also for ceremonial purposes.

Sumatra Rhino Sanctuary - where rhinos, formerly held in captivity are introduced to natural surroundings in the hope of successful breeding. The five Sumatran rhinos (Dicerorhinus sumatrensis ) living at the Sumatran Rhino Sanctuary - Rosa, Ratu, Bina, Torgamba, and Andalas - serve as ambassadors for their wild counterparts.

Way Kanan National Park - a sub-district of the park is frequently visited by birdwatchers. Of the most remarkable species are the white-winged ducks and the Storm’s stork

Other Places; Lake Ranau, Pasir Putih Beach, Krakatau Island, Bukit Barisan National Park, Tanggamos Mountain, Rajabasa, Teluk Betung.